The following are unsolicited comments from people using TimeTracker
I use TimeTracker to track all my business activities, from programming
through documentation. TimeTracker enables me to track exactly how much time I spend on all the different aspects of running my business. Its ease of use
encourages me to use it consistently. Since using TimeTracker we are able to produce
client reports and invoices quickly and accurately. We bill quicker, don't
forget to charge for our work, know what it costs us and even our customers
like the detailed summaries!
Steve Hussey
Alto Stratus LLC
Oregon USA
I love the software and I don't know how I ever managed to bill clients and keep track of my time without it!!
Love it, love it, love it. It's perfect. All of us are SO happy. GREAT
improvements. Thank you!
I think you are quite justified in asking $30 for TimeTracker, the software is worth it!! I don't know of anything better or even comparable.
I really like this program; I've been looking for something like it since I went self-employed in 1990. NOTHING has the ability to add notes to entries, unless I go with commercial packages.
Let me congratulate you with one of the MOST practical shareware programs I
have ever downloaded. No joking. It is simply brilliant! I am a
designer and commercial artist, and have up to now used TimeSlip, a
commercial time-tracking and -recording software, which in it's way does
the job, but needs more fumbling, setting and customization.
TimeTracker is by comparison much more flexible and easy to use.
I plan to make a set of timers, one for each project, and export the file
to Excel, with simple macros to update and consolidate the project&client
I must tell you, TimeTracker has been the best thing installed on my machine
in quite a while. As an architect, I currently have 14 clients. Many are
billed hourly, even for phone calls. I have found my billings MUCH more
complete with TimeTracker. I used NowMenus to make their left hand pull down
open my TimeTracker folder. The hierarchical popup shows me all my
TimeTracker logs!!!
As a sole practitioner serving homeowner associations in California under two different hourly fee agreements, I find TimeTracker superior to my old time and billing software, TimeSlips, in both its ease of use and its practical functionality. (And I can just as easily use FileMaker Pro for expense entries!) Keep up the good work, Maui Software!
I've been practicing law for 22 years. Only a small proportion of my
caseload involves hourly billing. For those cases requiring hourly billing,
I have been using another program called TimeSlips‚Ñ¢ which works very nicely.
However, it is feature rich and for a small solo practitioner rendering only
an occasional hourly bill, it is like using the proverbial elephant gun to
kill a flea. For those of you who need to keep track of time, TimeTracker
does that very nicely. When you start a job, you open a TimeTracker sheet
for that account. Then you press "Start" to begin timing a work session.
You can shrink the window to an tiny box which can be tucked away in the
background in a corner of your screen. Need to pause? Click "Pause." To
resume, click "Resume." When it's time to stop, click "Stop." The next time
you click "Start" TimeTracker will make a new entry in its main time-tracking
window. It has recently been upgraded to permit the export of your entries
including the total time and total amount billed (you set your hourly rate in
advance) and you can then import the information into your word processor,
convert the text to a table (Microsoft Word does this for you with a single menu
selection) and you have a nearly instant bill. Just add your letterhead.
You can annotate each of your time entries so that you know what you did
during that period. The annotation will also be exported if you like and can
be placed in your bill. If you have Quickeys‚Ñ¢, you can make various
quickeys to enter text into the annotation field which describes your most
routine jobs. I have mine set to hit "command-t" and "Telephone conference"
is typed into the notation window.
Recently I used Timetracker on my powerbook during a deposition in which the attorney for the defense would take upward of 5 minutes thumbing through his papers between each of his
questions. After a few hours, I confronted him with my Timetracker list of how much time he had wasted between questions and threatened to present the list to the judge unless he considerably increased his speed. The rest of the deposition took 20 minutes. TimeTracker is a versatile program, elegant in its simplicity and adaptability (a la QuickDex‚Ñ¢) and well worth the shareware fee. Everyone who ever had to keep track of time for any reason